How to use GPT-4 API in POP

In this support article, you’ll learn how to get access to GPT-4 API and how to use it with the POP AI Writer.

Dade Bulter

Last Update há 4 meses

Note: you must have the GPT-4 API key in order to use it with POP. If you have an API key of one of the previous GPT versions, you won’t be able to use it with the POP AI Writer. 

How to access the GPT-4 API?

First, you’ll need a GPT-4 API Key. 

In order to gain access to the GPT-4 API you must have an active Chat GPT Plus subscription, if you are a Pay As You Go user. You will gain access to the GPT-4 API when you make a successful payment of at least $1 USD.

You can learn more about it here.

Once you have your access to the API, you can create a Key via your User Settings menu. Though you may find it easier to user the link in this article.

In order to check if you have access to the API, we recommend visiting, and checking the 'Model' drop down menu.

Both GPT-4 and GPT-4-1106-preview will work.

Where can I add the GPT-4 API Key in POP?

Once you have your GPT-4 API Key, you’ll need to paste it into PageOptimizer Pro:

  • Go to the “Account Settings”
  • Select the ‘GPT-4 Access Key’ menu.
  • Copy your API Key and paste it into the GPT Text Field.

And that's it! With that you have successfully added your GPT-4 API Access Key to PageOptimizer Pro.

How many POP credits does it cost

Here’s the cost breakdown if you’re using your own GPT-4 API Key:

  • Full article without any word count limits will use 1 POP Credit (your first draft will include the title, H1, subheadings and paragraph text)
  • And each AI content piece includes 5 ‘regenerate’ POP Credits that can be used to regenerate page sections such as title, headings and paragraphs until you’re happy with your output.
  • You’ll be charged 1 POP Credit for every ‘regenerate’ once you’ve used your free credits.

How do I generate an AI article using the GPT-4 API?

The process of generating an AI article using your own GPT-4 API is the same as doing it without your API. If your API key is enabled, you’ll see a notification about it inside the POP AI Writer. 

Below is a video detailing this process.

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