I can't find my secret key.

Dade Bulter

Last Update 10 месяцев назад

The secret key feature is only available to Unlimited or Teams Plan subscribers. If you are not on one of those plans, you will not have access to secret keys. If you are on one of those plans you can find your secret key in a few places.

1.) You can find it on the Run Report card. See the first screenshot below.

2.) You can find it in the Summary section of your POP Pro Content Brief. By clicking the '...' button. See the second screenshot below.

3.) You can find it in the Dashboard Sub Tab in Advanced Analysis tab. See the video and the bottom of this article.

If you ever need to change your secret key for security reasons (e.g. you changed content writers) or you need to generate a secret key for a report that was run on an older plan, simply click the lock icon in the summary page in POP Custom. A new key will be created and your previous key will be disabled. See the final screenshot below.

If you are on a credits plan and don't have access to the secret key, your content writer can still get POP recommendations in the POP Chrome Extension. You would simply need to give your writer your account login information and they can use the Extension through your account.

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