POP Isn’t Picking up the Changes I’ve Made to My Page.

Dade Bulter

Last Update 9 months ago

It’s likely that your hosting is caching your page. Some hosting providers aggressively cache pages and hold onto caching for days. The good news is that there are a few options on what you can do to fix that.

Before getting to the fixes, please note that you don't need to re-run POP to check your work. The majority of the time, caching issues come up when you are doing several consecutive re-runs in POP. If you use the POP Chrome Extension your Optimization Score and counts update automatically. The Chrome Extension cannot be blocked. Please check out the video blow, to see the chrome extension in action.

The Fixes:

1.) Use the POP Chrome Extension from the POP dashboard to crawl your page. The POP Chrome Extension gets passed hosting that is caching pages. You can find a guide on the chrome extension, as well as a download link here

2.) Turn off the caching feature in your host. Some hosting providers have a dashboard where you can easily turn off caching while you are working on your optimization (don’t forget to turn caching back on once you are finished). Other hosting providers require you to contact support to enable/disable caching. Even if the solution in #2 is up your technical alley, we still strongly recommend going with solution #1, The POP Chrome Extension.

3.) You can manually copy and paste your source code into POP. On the page where you select your target URL you will find a checkbox labeled ‘I'd like to copy and paste in html or source code’ once you click it. A box will appear to insert the source code. There are instructions inside the box in case you aren’t sure what to do.

4.) The last solution is just time. Usually after 24-48 hours, your hosting will clear the cache and new changes will be picked up.

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