Can I still use POP if my page has not been published yet?
Dade Bulter
Last Update 10 months ago
You can absolutely use POP before you have created a page or written any content. In the dashboard where you would put in your URL, select "I haven't built this page yet." Check that box and you do not need to put in a URL.
In POP Custom it will be on Step 1.
In POP Pro, it is just below the Target Page Path text field. You will then get the recommendations you need to create the best page.
If you are using a content writing team, you can download the recommendations and give them to your writers. If you are on the Unlimited or Teams Plans, you can give your writers access to the POP Content Editor or they can get the recommendations while using a Google doc or writing in a website editor (such as WordPress); by giving them the Secret Key for your report.
If you don't even have a domain yet or your domain isn't live, that's no problem. When starting a project you can put in the name of the future domain or just put in a dummy domain in order to start the optimization process.